Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Short Urdu to English (or Arabic) translation?


First of all, I don't know any Urdu so I'm not 100% that these sentences do not contain bad language. They're related to two things I found online while searching for something and I'd really like to know what they mean. I hope you can help. You can answer in either English or Arabic (if it's easier to explain in Arabic).

First one: The text in this image

This second bit was typed using the English alphabet:

A: Wah jee wah, jutti tay bari soni aye.

B: UtaruN phir?

A: shalwar wi bari soni aye...

Thank you.Short Urdu to English (or Arabic) translation?
(there is a piece of clothing wore by Pakistani women on head or it can be around neck called Dupatta)

the one in the link means:

"she can't even handle (or take care of) her dupatta

how would she handle (or take care of ) country"

the other meanings:

A: wow: wah jee wah

jutti: shoes (or sandals)

tay bari soni aye : is very beautiful eh

(by the way it's not's punjabi)

B: should i take it off?

A: your trouser (or pants) is also very beautiful

LOL LOL..'s a very funny joke though

i hope it helpsShort Urdu to English (or Arabic) translation?

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