Thursday, February 2, 2012

Arabic to english translation please?

can someone please translate this into english for me please? i know it's long so 10 points for your effort :) thanks a lot!

Halooz zozza 3amla eih ya gameela ana mabsot awi awi 3lshan anti batsomi fi ramadan w mohtama awi akid rabna yakramk w hai7a2a2lk kol l anti nafsk fih anti 7ad kwais awi ya meera ya mozza anti.. 3ala fakra 7aga kwaisa n yr friend batsakdk fi takalom l 3arbaya.. blnasba laia ana msh baktb english kwais bs ana haro7 akaml elcors bta3i ana kont badrs fi auc bs ana sabto mn 3 month w ana 2a5at just one level bs fa akid mastafatsh 7aga 5als hehehehe w 1000 salama 3ala mamtk isa hatkon kwaisa w mosh moshkala m yr dad msh baisom law baishta3'l sa3at kteer 3adi rabna mosh haikon za3lan mano rabna bs tab3an ana sa3id 3lshan anti bat7awli tasomi.. ana 5aragt m3 my friends w ro7na markaba 3ala elneel w kona kolana banstad samak w kan ma3ana shawaya w shawana samak w ftarna m3 ba3dna w ba3d kada rawa7na la3bna psp hehehehe.. elsong ana lasa masma3thash 3lshan l pc bta3i mosh sha3'al w ana now basal7o w akid hasma3ha w hat3gbni zai l a3'ani l anti btab3tiha.ya rab ya meera takoni mabsota w mosh za3lana w l 1 month bta3k kolo yakon gameek zaik kada ya gameela.. maianfa3sh takoni za3lana wanti fi canada akid canada 7alwa w fi amakn kteer momkin tazoriha 7alwa w akid batshofi yr friends w bat2adi ma3ahom wa2t gameel bs mat2l2ish if u will came 2 cairo soon Aw3adk I make u happy ya zozza.. 5ale balk mn nafsk matnsish w tamnini 3alaki kteer bsara7a anti btaw7shiniArabic to english translation please?
u cant google translate this because this is transliteration

he says:

hello how are you cutie

im very happy bec. you r fasting in ramadan and actually care! surley God will reward you by fulfilling your wishes ya chick! btw its a good thing that your friend is helping you speak arabic but its hard for me to write english as im not that good at it, i need to return to the english course i was taking at the AUC (american university in cairo) but i left it 3 moths ago and only took one level so as you can imagine it wasnt very useful LOL! im sorry to hear tht your mother is sick i hope she gets well soon! your dad doesnt fast but if he works alot (does hard work) than thats ok God will forgive him! but i am ofcourse very happy that youre fasting!

i went out with my friends and we went on a boat on the river nile and we were all fishing! and we broke our fast together there and we had some fish so we grilled some and ate it! then we went home and played some playstation LOL! i would have heard the song but my computer is busted so i didnt hear it but its being repaired now so ill hear it soon and im sure ill like it just like all the other ones you sent me!

i hope your happy in Canada i mean hoe can u be sad im sure theres loads of cool places to visit in canada and im sure ur having a gr8 time with your friends there! if you come to Cairo soon i promise you youll have a great timetake care and dont forget to keep in touch and i really miss you!Arabic to english translation please?
google translator :D

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