毓爻賱 廿爻賵丿 賷丕 丕禺賵丕鬲賷
毓爻賱 - 'asal = honey
廿爻賵丿 - iswid = black
毓爻賱 廿爻賵丿 - "black honey", i.e. molasses
賷丕 - yaa = particle to address someone by name ("hey!, O!")
丕禺賵丕鬲賷 - ikhwaati = my brothers/sisters
As has been pointed out, it's a play on words. Egyptians use "honey" like English speakers use "sweet" when they want to show they're impressed with something ("That's sweet, mate!"). Normally it would be 毓爻賱 賷丕 丕禺賵丕鬲賷 "'asal ya-khwaati"".
"Black honey" means "molasses" in Arabic. By putting "black" in front of it it makes it sarcastic.
The Exact Translation : Black Honey my siblings =)
and someone is like joking.. saying honey is good thing and adding the word black to make it sarcastic =)Arabic to English translation?
it's say when some one say a joke but it's not funny so he say honey but it's black
oh brothers it's like a black honey
3asal eswed=molasses
ya khwaty= siblings /brothers and sistersArabic to English translation?
Seems like you have Egyptian friends on FaceBook and you wanna know what they are talking about loool
black honey my (female) sibling
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